We’ve covered a lot of information about how to get and keep your smile healthy and strong at our dental office in Woodbury. However, there are many common habits and situations that can cause damage to your teeth, and chances are, you’ve done at least one without ever thinking about the fact that you could be hurting your smile.
Crunching Ice
Using your teeth to crunch the unmelted ice in your drink can be detrimental to the health of your smile. Ice cubes can chip away at your tooth enamel and can even lead to a broken tooth or broken restoration.
Brushing Too Hard
While I’m happy you’re brushing (and hopefully flossing too!), at our dental office in Woodbury, we always encourage our patients to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and to brush in small circles. This can actually protect your enamel. Toothbrushes with hard bristles, or using rough, horizontal strokes, can damage enamel and leave you open to experiencing sensitivity. If you want to learn more about how to brush your teeth properly, click the link.
Whitening Too Often
We all want our pearly whites to be exactly that – pearly white! And while teeth whitening is safe and effective, doing it too often can cause damage to your smile. Too much whitening can cause sensitivity, irritation, and can even result in a smile that’s too white. If you’re interested in a whiter smile, our Woodbury dental office can help get you the brightening you’re looking for, safely and effectively.
Eating Too Many Acidic Foods
Acidic foods and drinks like lemons, orange juice, wine or sour candy can wear away your enamel. And once your enamel is gone, you can’t grow it back. This can cause sensitivity or even pain. As your dentist in Woodbury, I’m not expecting you avoid these types of food and drink, but I do encourage you to minimize the damage by drinking water with anything acidic. And if you have to have that morning glass of orange juice, use a straw to limit how much juice comes in contact with your teeth. Visit the Power of Sour website for more information on how to protect your teeth from acidic foods.
Using Teeth as Tools
You know the feeling. You have a stubborn package that just won’t open, so instead of finding the scissors, you put the package in your mouth and use your teeth as an opening tool. Using your teeth as tools is always a bad idea and can result in broken teeth, mouth injuries, and damaged restorations.
In addition to these five smile-harming habits, there are many other ways you can be causing damage to your teeth without even knowing it. During a visit to our Woodbury dental office, we can talk about any habits you may have that could be harming your smile, and how to fix them. If you’re due for a checkup, or if you’re concerned with your grin, contact us today!