
22 09, 2014

Choose Veneers for an Improved Smile

By |2019-12-30T16:34:41-06:00September 22, 2014|Blog|

There are many of us who are unhappy with the smile we were born with. But luckily, there’s the wonderful world of cosmetic dentistry to help transform smiles. At our Woodbury dental office, you’ll have [...]

16 09, 2014

Picking the Right Woodbury Dentist

By |2021-08-31T17:30:13-05:00September 16, 2014|Blog|

There are a variety of reasons you may be in need of a new dentist. Perhaps you’ve moved to a new town, your former dentist is retiring or you aren’t happy at your current dental [...]

12 08, 2014

Top Reasons We Avoid The Dentist

By |2021-08-31T17:10:58-05:00August 12, 2014|Blog|

Visiting the dentist is never at the top of anyone’s fun list; and we don’t take it personally. There are some top reasons people avoid going to the dentist, but no matter why you may [...]

23 07, 2014

Tired of Sleeping with a Snorer?

By |2023-06-13T08:02:07-05:00July 23, 2014|Blog|

Snoring can be annoying, especially if you share a bed or room with a snorer. Your sleep gets interrupted, you become tired of using earplugs, and you may even go sleep in a different [...]

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